Kyle Pinho

Kyle Pinho / All Else Fit Lifestyle

Father, Husband, Business Owner, Multi-Business Operator, Landlord, Fitness Finatic

I first started working out with weights when i was 15, a freshman in high school. Playing multiple sports, every season, I needed to start putting on some size in order to keep up with the older athletes. I immediately fell in love with working out and more importantly, the results. Exercise continued to play a key component in my daily like through high school and into college. Although the number of sports I played, as well as the frequency of sports trailed off as I got older, I always made sure I was on top of my physique, performance and condition. After graduating college, I decided to make fitness an even more prominent piece of my life, starting the All Else Fit lifestyle and movement. For me, I was working on my career and future, balancing friends and family and determined to cut out my path in this world and make a difference. For years I was working out hard and always striving for my best in the gym, out working me every chance I could. Fast forward to 2020 and the world stopped in many regards. With this, my fitness journey just about went into hibernation. First and foremost, I became very focused on my career and put long hours before taking a break to blow off steam with fitness. Then with gyms closing, I stopped going to the gym and would only occasionally and randomly workout at home. My diet was terrible, I continued to drink excessively, and did not give much regard to fitness, even though I was slowly losing all of the incredible gains I once had. By 2022, my family was growing and life insurance became important, for the just in case. My health test results were not what I wanted. But how could they be? I was not healthy, ate, drank and did not workout at all anymore. My mindset immediately changed. Everything I lost, I needed back. In just a few months I was feeling good again. By 5 months I felt "back". And by 6+ months I WAS back. Now I must continue to not only maintain, but progress in a healthy manner. Within 7 months, I re-took the required health test for life insurance and crushed it. Everything was in the green and I was placed in the best pricing bracket possible. GOAL ACHEIVED. 100% All Natural, always have been. No need to cut corners or cheat yourself. Pure will power, drive, effort and consistency and YOU ALONE can reach the goals. On top of figuring out EVERY day how to get a workout in and keep as disciplined a diet as I can, I am a father, a husband, run Vendor Alliance Capital, work as a mortgage loan officer, spend time with family and friends, care for my own home as well as those of family members, and everything else in between. I also have something special in the works I hope to unveil soon... OK, now are you up to speed on me? With All Else Going On In Life, STAY FIT! Let's Get It!

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Kyle Pinho / All Else Fit Lifestyle
Kyle Pinho / All Else Fit Lifestyle
Kyle Pinho / All Else Fit Lifestyle
Kyle Pinho / All Else Fit Lifestyle